Friday, August 31, 2012

A Crappy Day ;)

Disclaimer: The post below may be a bit graphic. It originally started out as an email to Scott, complaining to informing him of our day. I even took pictures and texted them to Scott but I will spare you those graphics- that would be unnecessary. (Sorry Scott, it IS necessary that YOU see the graphic pictures while you are away working hard, preparing for our family's future). Mostly, this is for Sydney to look back on some day and laugh.

Seriously, what a crappy day. I've been cleaning up pee and poo all day long. We went to the outdoor running track pretty early, maybe around 9, so Syd could walk around a bit. She peed on the track and then on the bleachers we were sitting on while I made my phone calls to Nebraska Furn. Mart and the bumper painter people; (Good thing she was wearing a skirt...?). We got home and I was heating up lunch...I finished off the green onions from last night by making fresh crab rangoons. the Oil was hott and ready and Sydney comes running from down the hall, crying and pointing to her she'd been injured or something. There was a mushy chunk of poo on the side bottom of it. Poo smears about the size of the chunk on her foot dotted the hall all the way back to her bedroom, getting thicker and more visible until you saw where she'd laid the mother terd, right in the center of the carpet. I started cleaning up the smear trail, near the kitchen where her potty training potty was nearby. She came over to watch me clean up her poo and as she stood there, she let out a waterfall of pee, got surprised and then ran to her potty a whole 12 inches away, but by then, not even a drop made it in. I stopped keeping tally yesterday of her "hits" and "misses" of making it to the potty- and I'm really thinking it helped me focus a little more on the positive side, because today all I can think about is how somewhere along the line, I'm actually training her TO pee ON the floor. 

To Sydney's credit, since Monday she's actually been improving with each passing day...(until today), and she's been really good about making it more difficult helping me clean up her messes. She followed me around with the carpet cleaner bottle, handing it to me every time I stood up to move to the next "missed" mark on the floor. She has said several times in her REALLY cute little girl vice: "SooOOOWyyy. Poo poo MiMi SooOWy." (Translation: "Sooooooorry. I pooed on the floor Mommy and I'm sorry." Usually it's worth ANYTHING to hear her say sorry because she says it so cute.

See this 15 second video of her saying it and you'll see what I mean... OR CLICK HERE. This was when my parents were in town (last post).

Sometimes I even like letting her get in trouble on purpose, just so she'll have to say it, but if this streak of bad luck continues for much longer, I think I'll trade the "SoOOWy"s in for a dry carpet.

The worst things she's peed/pooed on-
(in the 4.5 days since we started potty training)
#1 being the absolute worst:

#6. At The Home Depot, on some weird piece of machinery or rack with wheels thingamabob. This was actually the easiest to clean up. I wish she'd pee on medal all the time! 

#5. On my ankle weight (I know, such a grandma thing to have) that we use (until we find something more normal) to keep our bedroom door from shutting all the time. It might as well be an awkward shaped bean back with Velcro on it. Good thing the rice, or whatever's inside it, didn't expand :). 

#4. On the ottoman, which wasn't a big deal bc it's leather, except that through the crack and under the lid there are tons of toys and stuffed animals. Her soft, furry puppy dog (the one that was Scott's when he was a little boy) got the worst of it. 

#3. Poo- at the swimming pool without a swim diaper. Luckily I caught her face getting red before she jumped back in to me from the side. But that's not even the worst part(----->). I took her in to shower her hiney and swimsuit off and the shower head was soo powerful, it litterally shot chunks of poo from her butt into the shower stall next to us. hahaha this makes me laugh reliving it in my mind...

#2. On top of our bed with our brand new WHITE comforter and new quilt at the foot (she equally made it on both), RIGHT AFTER I put a fresh load of white laundry on it. Who knew she could even climb up that high in 3 seconds while I turned by back to put the laundry basket back on top of the dryer?! 

#1. Sorry, I spoiled this one at the start of this post. Cleaning up poo in her room and all the way down the hall has by far been the worst of all. 

Disclaimer #2: I'm sure today has been a fluke- I'm just sure of it ;), but for any of you who are interested, I'm doing the Potty Training in Three Days Or Less method found HERE. (It obviously takes more than 3 days but THOSE ARE THE IMPORTANT ONES!! You'll see...)
If you ever show up at our place sometime between now and Thanksgiving, you will see a half-naked munchkin running around from the waist down. 
Be warned.

For my own record. Sydney's 3-day potty training "weekend" (Mon-Wed) :) 

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Part II - Scott's WHITE COAT Ceremony (and weekend)

Pre- White Coat Ceremony:
Saturday afternoon (the day before the ceremony), when Scott's parents got in town, Scott and I went to a dinner/casino night for the students and their spouses while both of our parents went to a parent dinner as part of the beginning of orientation.

The only pic I got from Casino night. 
(We know, we've already made fun of his hair about it looking like he was electrocuted or something. He hates this pic, but it's the only one!)

They gave us money in chips that we could play with and use towards the raffle. It was a fun little party. 
We met up afterward  on the Seawall. Scott hadn't seen his parents yet. 

 Look who we ran into!!  ;)

Then we drove around and did a little sight- seeing.
After Hurricane Ike in 2008, many of the trees on the island died. A couple of local artists made use of many by carving them and making pieces of art out of them and preserving them. We drove around the neighborhoods that had them in the yards. They are so cool!!

Here it is. 
The main event. 
The reason our parents came in town in the first place.


 Letting her run around while she still could!

We had to get there early to get good seats. 

Just leaving Scotty a little love note at his seat :)


There he is! White coat in hand! 

See him? He's looking our way.. 

Heading toward the stage to get white-coated. 

And then that guy walks right in front of him when I take the picture of his coating. Sweet.
Scott looks kinda like a scare crow.  

Future Dr. Walton- with old-school yearbook hair. :) (It's gone now!)

Scotty's bro. Justin came and his wife Nikki- who moved to Houston 2 weeks after we moved to Galveston! 
We're glad to have them close! 

Back at our place for lunch after the ceremony

Lisa cried giving the prayer :)

 That's the clock I got from that chubby mermaid store in the last post!

And of course, the Ferry again, where I got a 

 Hmmmm...I wonder what he's pointing at. 

Could it be one of THESE?!?!?!?!?
I'm SO proud of that pic. MMM!

I spy: another dolphin
(This is why I am so proud of that last pic..)


Nice sky, huh?

After the Ferry/dolphin viewing, everyone left but my parents and it was time to chill, then go to the beach ONE LAST TIME before they left at 6 the next morning. 

She had just scraped her knee :( 

I love the background in this blue!

Thanks Mom and Dad, Ken and Lisa, Justin and Nikki for such a fun week/weekend!
Now that the rest of you know how much fun we have here, I'm expecting lots of visitors over the next four years!! Just so ya know :)